
STET 2023 Shift 1 Quiz

2023 STET exam S1 Questions Quiz

1 / 100

What is the simplified expression for the Boolean function F(A, B, C, D) = Σ(0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14) using the K-map method?

2 / 100

In a PLA, what components are used to implement the combinational logic functions?

3 / 100

Which type of register is primarily used to temporarily hold data during arithmetic and logical operations in a microprocessor?

4 / 100

Which logic family uses both depletion and enhancement mode MOSFETs for its operation?

5 / 100

What is the primary difference between ROM and RAM?ROM is faster than RAM

6 / 100

Given a Boolean function F(A, B, C) = Σ(0, 1, 2, 3, 5), what is the expression in SOP form?

7 / 100

If the sum of two positive binary numbers is 11010 and there is a carry-out from the MSB, what should be done to obtain the correct result?

8 / 100

In binary multiplication using the simple method, what is the first step after aligning the digits and preparing for multiplication?

9 / 100

What is the relationship between the distance between parity bits and their error detection and correction capability in Hamming Code?

10 / 100

To convert a Gray Code to its binary equivalent, which technique is commonly used?

11 / 100

Which component of an ideal microcomputer is responsible for temporarily holding data and instructions during processing?

12 / 100

How is the width of the data bus typically measured in a microcomputer system?

13 / 100

Microcontrollers find application in various fields. What is a typical application of microcontrollers in the automotive industry?

14 / 100

Which data structure often results in a time-space tradeoff by using extra memory to speed up operations?

15 / 100

Which term refers to the strategy of optimizing an algorithm's use of resources, often by making sacrifices in one aspect for improvements in another?

16 / 100

Conditional asymptotic notation allows for a more nuanced analysis of algorithm behavior under specific conditions. This is particularly useful when:

17 / 100

If an algorithm's behavior is bounded by "o(f(n)) if g(n)", what notation does it become when the condition is removed?

18 / 100

The recurrence equation T(n) = T(n/2) + 1 represents the time complexity of which algorithmic paradigm?

19 / 100

Divide and Conquer is an algorithmic paradigm that solves problems by:

20 / 100

A threaded binary tree is a binary tree in which:

21 / 100

Which traversal algorithm is typically implemented using a stack data structure?

22 / 100

In a directed graph, an edge that points from vertex A to vertex B is denoted as:

23 / 100

Separate chaining involves storing collided elements in separate data structures, typically in:

24 / 100

Which collision resolution technique involves placing collided elements in the next available empty slot in the hash table?

25 / 100

In the Tower of Hanoi problem with "n" disks, how many moves are required to solve the problem?

26 / 100

The process of removing recursion involves replacing recursive function calls with:

27 / 100

A formal model of protection in an operating system provides:

28 / 100

In an operating system, a "buffer cache" is used to:

29 / 100

File manipulation operations in an operating system include:

30 / 100

The I/O subsystem in an operating system is responsible for:

31 / 100

The primary goal of load control is to:

32 / 100

The purpose of a page table in a paging system is to:

33 / 100

In multiprogramming with fixed partitions, if a process requires more memory than is available in a partition, it may lead to:

34 / 100

What is DBMS?

35 / 100

Which of the following is correct according to the technology deployed by DBMS?

36 / 100

The term "NTFS" refers to which one of the following?

37 / 100

Which of the following is a top-down approach in which the entity's higher level can be divided into two lower sub-entities?

38 / 100

The term "DFD" stands for?

39 / 100

The term "FAT" is stands for         

40 / 100

The term "Data" refers to:

41 / 100

What is the primary function of routing in the network layer?

42 / 100

What is a socket in the context of process-to-process communication?

43 / 100

Data transmission using multiple pathways simultaneously is known as:

44 / 100

Which of the following is NOT a network topology?

45 / 100

Contention-based MAC protocols are commonly used in:

46 / 100

Routing involves:

47 / 100

What is the purpose of ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)?

48 / 100

Which software life cycle model allows for iterative development and incorporates risk analysis?

49 / 100

What is the main goal of software quality assurance ?

50 / 100

Reverse engineering is primarily used for:

51 / 100

Which testing approach involves testing individual components or units of code?

52 / 100

What is the main goal of System Testing?

53 / 100

Which metric is used for estimating the size of a software project?

54 / 100

What is the purpose of staffing level estimation in software project management?

55 / 100

Which keyword is used to create an instance of a class in most programming languages?

56 / 100

What is an abstract class in OOP?

57 / 100

What is the purpose of the "super" keyword in Java and other similar languages?

58 / 100

Which of the following best defines a class?

59 / 100

Which principle ensures that only essential information is visible to the outside world?

60 / 100

What is the main purpose of inheritance in OOP?

61 / 100

What are abstract methods?

62 / 100

Which protocol is commonly used for sending emails?

63 / 100

What does CSS stand for?

64 / 100

Which library simplifies JavaScript tasks like HTML document traversal and manipulation?

65 / 100

What does AJAX stand for?

66 / 100

How does the DOM tree structure reflect the hierarchy of HTML elements?

67 / 100

In XML, which attribute is used to uniquely identify an element?

68 / 100

The Kleene Star operation accepts the following string of finite length over set A = {0,1} | where string s contains even number of 0 and 1.

69 / 100

A Language for which DFA exist is a             

70 / 100

Let u=’1101’, v=’0001’, then uv=11010001 and vu= 00011101.Using the given information what is the identity element for the string?

71 / 100

For a DFA accepting binary numbers whose decimal equivalent is divisible by 3, what are all the possible remainders?

72 / 100

Minimum Number of states require to accept string ends with 101.

73 / 100

If NFA of 5 states excluding the initial state is converted into DFA, maximum possible number of states for the DFA is?

74 / 100

The class of CFG is not closed under

75 / 100

Which among the following is not true about IoT?

76 / 100

About IoT, which among the followings isnot correct?

77 / 100

BLE stands for

78 / 100

WSN stands for?

79 / 100

A complex SCADA system has      levels?

80 / 100

What is the role of the MISO pin in the RFID Module?

81 / 100

Who is known as the father of AI?

82 / 100

Programming language commonly used for AI is  ?

83 / 100

The algorithm used in the Game tree to make decisions of Win/Lose is                                                                                                                                     ?

84 / 100

Uniform-cost search expands the node n with the                 

85 / 100

The process of removing detail from a given state representation is called            

86 / 100

What does a first order predicate logic contain?

87 / 100

Which of the following can improve the performance of AI agent?

88 / 100

Which of the following is part of the four main types for e-commerce?

89 / 100

What is the process in which a buyer posts its interest in buying a certain quantity of items, and sellers compete for the business by submitting successively lower bids until there is only one seller left?

90 / 100

If it is easy for competitors to enter the market, the threat of new entrants is considered:

91 / 100

Which of the following refers to creating products tailored to individual customers?

92 / 100

Which form of e-marketplace brings together buyers and sellers from the same industry?

93 / 100

Which of the following is done by Secure Sockets Layers?

94 / 100

The delay that occur during the playback of a stream is called                    

95 / 100

In teardown state of real time streaming protocol is                   

96 / 100

In Real Time Interactive Audio Video, Jitter is introduced in real-time data by delay between                                                                                                                      

97 / 100

In Audio and Video Compression, voice is sampled at 8000 samples per second with                                                                                                                             

98 / 100

                   is basically a form of pictorial presentation.

99 / 100

Each       represents a particular colour.

100 / 100

Audio compression can be used for                    

Your score is

The average score is 0%



STET Network

quiz helps us to increase our knowledge

1 / 30

Packets ofthe same session may be routed through different paths in:

2 / 30

The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is used for :

3 / 30

. . . . . is primarily used for mapping host names and e- mail destinations to IP address but can also be used for other purposes.

4 / 30

Repeater operates in which layer of OSI model?

5 / 30

The store and forward mechanism is used in

6 / 30

A network which is used for sharing data, software and hardware among several users owning microcomputers is called

7 / 30

Which of the following ISO level is more closely related to the physicalcommunications facilities?

8 / 30

In OSI model, when data is sent from
device A to device B, the 5th layer to receive data at B is

9 / 30

You are in the process of analyzing a problem that requires you to collect and store TCP/IP Packets. Which of the following utilities isbest suited for this purpose?

10 / 30

Internetlike networks within enterprises.

11 / 30

Adistributed network configuration in which all data/ information pass through a central computer is

12 / 30

What is the commonly used unit for measuring the speed o f data transmission?

13 / 30

An example of an analog communication method is

14 / 30

Data security threats include

15 / 30

Which of the following uses the greatest number of layers in the OSI model?

16 / 30

Which one ofthefollowing uses UDP as the transport

17 / 30

Which IEEE Standards is used for Wi/Fi systems?

18 / 30

.... .....is the most important/powerful computer in a
typical network.

19 / 30

Geostationary satellites

20 / 30

. . is virus that inserts itself into a system's memory. Then it take number o f actions when an infected file is executed.

21 / 30

Encryption/decryption provides a network with

22 / 30

.... ..is the continuous ability to send and receive data between interconnected networks.

23 / 30

Multiplexing technique that shifts each signal to a different carrier frequency

24 / 30

What can happen at a Token Ring station?

25 / 30

In networking terminology UTP means

26 / 30

In resources are allocated on demand.

27 / 30

Communication between computers is almost always

28 / 30

During networking, the processor of the CPU asking each terminal whether it wants to send a message is called

29 / 30

Where does Bridge operate in OSI model?

30 / 30

Routers operate in which layer of the OSI model?

Your score is


Versant Mock Test

This mock test is for practice versant test.

1 / 100

Staying /here how /long are you.

2 / 100

Are they /where/ going?

3 / 100

You/ again / to see/ I didn’t /expect.

4 / 100

As / many/ orders/ he will/complete/ as he can.

5 / 100

David/for business/ travels frequently.

6 / 100

A local hotel / 30% discount/has / agreed to offer.

7 / 100

What /had/ occurred/ in their absence/they discovered.

8 / 100

Has /fortunately/a nearby office/ become /vacant.

9 / 100

The_____ rises in the east.

10 / 100

The product is out of stock until the next_____ arrives.

11 / 100

Delhi is the_______ of India.

12 / 100

The class______ to be close indefinitely because of the summer schedule.

13 / 100

The training program_____ a wide selection of courses to any interested employee at a minimum charge.

14 / 100

If you don’t_______ the height of requirement, you are not allowed to get on the ride.

15 / 100

We had planned to go hiking today, but the weather was so bad that we had to come up with an_______ plan.

16 / 100

My friend, who lived in New York all his life, do me a personal_____ of the city.

17 / 100

Where there is a______ there is a way.

18 / 100

Monkeys are one of the most athletic________ .

19 / 100

She gets her supplier at a________ rate because she buys in bulk.

20 / 100

Negotiations came to a halt as struggled to reach terms that were_______ to both parties.

21 / 100

Some_______ were more concerned of their own business.

22 / 100

Singers have a_______ voice.

23 / 100

It looks like this document has been edited already – is this the final_____.

24 / 100

I wanted to buy the book, but the bookstore didn’t have any in______. They expect to receive more next week.

25 / 100

The new trainees are______ along just fine.

26 / 100

An increasing_______ of businesses have recently shut down due to the economic downturn.

27 / 100

The company_____ its target last year and reported a profit.

28 / 100

For details about the_____, please consult the instruction manual.

29 / 100

I need to______ my hotel reservation. I won’t be staying there anymore.

30 / 100

I’m not sure I can come tomorrow. I’ll have to______ my schedule.

31 / 100

She was a junior manager but now she has been _______ to a senior management position.

32 / 100

I’m a salesman. And you, what do you_______?

33 / 100

I know you love traveling abroad. Would you be________ in a position in our overseas office?

34 / 100

A good police is always_________to customer request within 24 hours. Otherwise, they tend to become annoyed and may find other providers.

35 / 100

Although sales were down last quarter, the owner had high_________that business would improve soon.

36 / 100

Thank you very much for your help on such short______. It helped us immensely when time was running out.

37 / 100

The employees of our factory must follow a strict set of safety________.

38 / 100

In my company it is the manager’s job to divide work______the team members.

39 / 100

Before you drive over the bridge you have to_______the money at the booth.

40 / 100

You may not be______with these methods, but there’s no question that he makes a lot of money for the company.

41 / 100

The bill wasn’t right. I think they______a mistake.

42 / 100

Can I bring you something to_______? Perhaps tea or coffee?

43 / 100

I haven’t eaten anything all day. I’m so_________!

44 / 100

You’re driving too______. You should slow down.

45 / 100

I haven’t eaten anything all day. I’m so________!

46 / 100

Finally, everything I had to do is finished now that the project has reached its__________.

47 / 100

The department is responsible for the mistake so they will have to_____the cost of the failure themselves.

48 / 100

The training programme_____a wide selection of courses to any interested employee at a minimum charge.

49 / 100

It's_______to be seen whether the company will stay in business next year.

50 / 100

I had to take out a _______from the bank to cover the cost of replacing the roof of my house.

51 / 100

Thank you very much for your help on such short________. It helped us immensely when time was running out.

52 / 100

My ______are ringing because the music was so loud at the concert.

53 / 100

This is cutting _______technology – it’s the best in the market.

54 / 100

I don’t _______what I wrote. I’m going to rewrite it completely.

55 / 100

I was recently_______from the Berlin office to the Tokyo office.

56 / 100

The elevator is broken, so you will have to take the _______to get to the second floor.

57 / 100

The amount of air pollution in this town has increased substantially _______the factory opened.

58 / 100

When it rains, there are ______clouds in the sky.

59 / 100

Let’s _______tomorrow’s presentation until next week. I’m just too busy to prepare for it right now.

60 / 100

My flight departed ten minutes later than scheduled but arrived on ______at the destination.

61 / 100

  1. The man ______his car keys and spent an hour looking for them this morning.

62 / 100

  1. Can you turn the lights _____? I can’t see anything.

63 / 100

How many languages can you____?

64 / 100

A web cookie is a small piece of data that is_______

65 / 100

What translates IP address into MAC address?

66 / 100

Hardware address is known as _______?

67 / 100

_______adjusts the segment size to be smaller than MTU.

68 / 100

How many versions of IP's are there?

69 / 100

Version 6 of IP address has how many bits.

70 / 100

What is the format of IP address?

71 / 100

Encryption/decryption provides a network with

72 / 100

Internetlike networks within enterprises.

73 / 100

.... ..is the continuous ability to send and receive data between interconnected networks.

74 / 100

Which IEEE Standards is used for Wi/Fi systems?

75 / 100

Routers operate in which layer of the OSI model?

76 / 100

Which of the following uses the greatest number of layers in the OSI model?

77 / 100

Where does Bridge operate in OSI model?

78 / 100

Repeater operates in which layer of OSI model?

79 / 100

. . is virus that inserts itself into a system's memory. Then it take number o f actions when an infected file is executed.

80 / 100

. . . . . is primarily used for mapping host names and e- mail destinations to IP address but can also be used for other purposes.

81 / 100

Data security threats include

82 / 100

You are in the process of analyzing a problem that requires you to collect and store TCP/IP Packets. Which of the following utilities isbest suited for this purpose?

83 / 100

Geostationary satellites

84 / 100

In OSI model, when data is sent from
device A to device B, the 5th layer to receive data at B is

85 / 100

Multiplexing technique that shifts each signal to a different carrier frequency

86 / 100

In resources are allocated on demand.

87 / 100

.... .....is the most important/powerful computer in a
typical network.

88 / 100

During networking, the processor of the CPU asking each terminal whether it wants to send a message is called

89 / 100

An example of an analog communication method is

90 / 100

A network which is used for sharing data, software and hardware among several users owning microcomputers is called

91 / 100

Communication between computers is almost always

92 / 100

In networking terminology UTP means

93 / 100

What is the commonly used unit for measuring the speed o f data transmission?

94 / 100

Adistributed network configuration in which all data/ information pass through a central computer is

95 / 100

The store and forward mechanism is used in

96 / 100

What can happen at a Token Ring station?

97 / 100

Which of the following ISO level is more closely related to the physicalcommunications facilities?

98 / 100

The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is used for :

99 / 100

Packets ofthe same session may be routed through different paths in:

100 / 100

Which one ofthefollowing uses UDP as the transport

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The average score is 66%
